Prerequisites for local development


This documentation will explain how to setup correctly your environment in order to develop the project.

Linux machines

You must install Python3 on your machine.

To do so, just run :

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
apt-get install python3 python3-pip

The first line allow to update the packages list and upgrade them. The second one will install Python3 and pip3 which allows to install Python packages.

Then, you have to install required packages :

pip3 install Django django-cors-headers djangorestframework pymongo pytz

Now the Python environment is ready.

Then, you need to install an IDE to develop correctly on your PC.

The recommended one is PyCharm because it has plenty of interesting features.

Considering you are on Ubuntu, you can install it using the "Ubuntu Software Center".

Windows machines

You must install Python3 on your machine :

To do, download it :

Click here to dowload Python3

Then, double click on the installer and BE SURE to check "Add Python 3.6 to PATH" then click on install now. At the end of the installation, reboot your PC.

Now, you have to install required packages :

pip install Django django-cors-headers djangorestframework pymongo pytz

Now the Python environment is ready.

Then, you need to install an IDE to develop correctly on your PC.

The recommended one is PyCharm because it has plenty of interesting features.

To download it :

Click here to download PyCharm

Install it and follow the installation steps. PyCharm will ask you to download JDK if you don't have it on your computer.