CPUP implementation

CPUP implementation notes

To use CPUP Atom in your own environment (linux or windows no matter), retrieve all the materials stored in gitlab under the repository "src" and put them in the same local directory.

The only software prerequisite is to have RStudio tool installed on your system. Once it is installed, click on "File/Open File" browse up to your local directory and click on CP_UP_reconciliation.Rproj to load all the necessary files in RStudio.

Then modify the file app.R : line 11, in read.csv2 instruction, replace the folder in quote by your own local folder where you previously stored all the files. Like that : 'you local folder/RES', don't forgot to mention the file RES. Then modify the file Launch_appR.r in the same way : line 3, in appDir instruction change the path by the path of your local directory '.

Then you have to install the following packages under R by typing this command


and finaly launch the file "launch_appR.r"(more quickly, you can have a look on to have a clear idea of what CPUP Atom look likes, available only under ERMES network)

Once it has been laucnh, your browser open and you can see a map where the number of suspicious messages appears in little circle, if you zoom in suficiently, there are more an more circle and finaly, with a certain level of zoom, each circle represent a nodeB with the number of suspicious message. Then you can put some filter on customer usage, type of suspicious signaling message and also on Date.