
This module is a dashboard that shows the mobile QoS on the main customer's living place, "home" and "office". The QoS is based on the mobile customer throughput values that can be estimated thanks to a mobile throughput predictive model (in a same way as the atom ML4MQ but with continuous values) or that can be linked to a real customer data usage. Cells that covers the customer living places are deducted thanks to the following criteria :

"Home Cell" : When more than 40% of the real or estimated mobile customer throughput are linked to the same cell between 09:00 pm and 06:00 am during the week from Monday to Friday, this cell is labelled as "Home cell"

"Office Cell" : When more than 40% of the real or estimated mobile customer throughput are linked to the same cell during the mornning between 09:00 and 12:00 am and during the afternoon between 02:00 and 05:00 pm, this cell is labelled as "Office cell"

You can use different tools to supply the dashboard with relevant data, like Otarie probes or an embeded mobile agent like V3D coupled with a mobile throughput predicitve model. But you must be able to provide to the dashboard the following keys features : User ID(anonymized if needed), Cell ID, Date(with hour and minute), longitude of the cell, latitude of the cell and throughput(estimated or real)

We provided a file called "ovdt4g_ready_for_COGITO.csv" as an example, it comes from the V3D embeded mobile agent and the throughput values have been derived from a mobile throughput predicitve model.

The fields of the file are the following :


Getting started

To use the LPQoS dashboard in your own environment (linux or windows no matter), retrieve all the materials stored in gitlab under the repository "src" and put them in a same local directory.

The only software prerequisite is to have RStudio tool installed on your system. Once it is installed, click on "File/Open File" browse up to your local directory and click on QoS_living_place.Rproj to load all the necessary files in RStudio.

Then modify the file app.R : line 7, comment setwd instruction like that '#setwd' and then write setwd('path to your local directory where all the materials have been downloaded from gitlab') and modify the file launch_shiny.r like that : line 3, in appDir instruction change the path by the path of your local directory '.

Then you have to install the following packages under R by typing this command


and finaly launch the file "launch_shiny.r" to access to the LPQoS dashboard. (mor quickly, you can have a look on to have an idea of what LPQoS dashboard look likes, available only under ERMES network)

Once LPQoS is launched, your browser open and you can see a dashboard with a map and a histogramm of all the mobile predicted throughput. You can choose different user thanks to an anonymized identifier and for each of them select home or office.